Create Your SMART Fitness Goals

Use this SMART Fitness Goals worksheet to craft your goals with a method that increases your chance of success.

Goals By Steve SMART Fitness Goals Worksheet

This free download includes:

A tool to guide you through creating your SMART fitness goals.

Calculators to help determine what you need to reach your goals.

A roadblock preemption tool to avoid hiccups in your fitness journey.

A coupon for 10% off your next order of Goals by Steve products to help you achieve your SMART fitness goals.

The SMARTer Fitness Goal Method

As you might have guessed, Steve is obsessed with goals. From experience working on his own goals and helping others achieve theirs, he has become an authority on how to set and achieve your goals. His method is a focused spin on the battle tested SMART goals formula. This method is geared around health and fitness goals, but can be used to set and achieve any goals you have. This worksheet will help you convert your goals into SMART fitness goals and set you up for success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is protein powder?

Protein powder is a common nutritional supplement typically high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fats. This makes it an effective way to boost the protein in your diet relative to other macronutrients and total calories. Proteins are the macronutrient necessary for muscle growth and immune system function.

Red and white meats including beef, chicken, and fish, are a great source of dietary protein along with eggs, and beans. But getting enough protein from these foods alone means buying, cooking, and eating a lot of food — especially challenging with an on the go lifestyle. Supplementing a healthy diet with protein powder helps you better control your macronutrient intake and supports your muscle development and fat loss goals.

Goals by Steve protein powders are formulated to support specific goals — Bulk for high-muscle weight gain, Shred for burning fat, Grow for lean muscle development, and Recover for faster muscle repair between training sessions while you sleep.

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We will always keep your personal information safe.
We request this information in exchange for a valuable tool in order to send you more valuable tools and information we think may be interesting and helpful to you. You can read more about our privacy policy here.

Is this really free?

Absolutely! We share this tool to help people achieve their goals, which in turn helps us achieve our mission statement! Consider Goals by Steve when you need nutritional support in achieving your fitness goals.

Millions of people have achieved their goals using the SMART goals method across many areas of their lives from business to personal. Steve has brought this method to the fitness world with this worksheet.